It.s Christmas morning and you are already wondering how you will get through the day. Salads to finish, the BBQ to prepare, and presents to open. Let’s not minimise trying to deal with different family members also.

When you then realise because you were in another room that you have just missed your phone call from the prison for the day, it doesn’t take much to throw you off balance. Just the thought alone is enough to send you into the shower to cry cause it’s one place where no one will see your tears as you try to hold it all together.

Christmas is a day that traditionally families get together. However as much as you love everyone, and want them all there, having a person missing, sitting in a cell takes a lot of the joy away. One may not feel like celebrating.

You wonder what that person is doing. One reader told me all the people in their men’s prison unit got a bunch of flowers yesterday for Christmas. Just the thought brought a smile trying to picture the setting. Most prisons also put on a Christmas lunch. Maybe even a church service. Something happens, even if we aren’t there.

It is hard however doing Christmas knowing someone isn’t joining you this year. There are many times in life that we hold it together just to get through. That may be it for you for today.. just surviving Christmas and that’s ok.

If you believe in the birth of a child who is the king of the universe, it’s a day that reminds you there is hope and that life will not always be as sad or draining as it might be today. If you believe its just another day with the over commercialisation and a big jolly Santa, then forget the society messages and treat it as just another day, one like every other day you have made it through so far.

If there are family at home today give them a hug, because they are there. For those alone, I encourage you to take up an invitation to join someone else today, or visit the community Christmas lunch. You may not feel like it, but sometimes not being alone with your thoughts may be the best medicine. If you don’t feel like company, the perhaps do something different like going for a walk, taking a drive, or reading a book to take your mind to a more positive place.

Whatever you do, don’t put more pressure on you than you need to pretend everything is ok. It’s not okay. You are allowed to cry, feel sad, and share a moment to think what if things were different. Then pull your pants up, take a big breath and know that together we can get through another day.. Christmas Day.

If today is all feeling too overwhelming and you can’t seem to get past it, please call lifeline, beyond blue, Samaritan’s or any other telephone counselling service you have in your area. People will answer even on Christmas Day because they too know how hard this time of the year can be, especially if someone is missing from the room.

Know today someone is thinking about you! You are not forgotten.

Merry Christmas!


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