Alexander Maconochie Centre useful information

Contact Details


Physical address:
10400 Monaro Highway

To locate on google maps click here


You are able to email a person in AMC and they can email back. Unlike some other prisons where emails are printed out and handed to a person once a day, detainees can receive their email in real time and reply back also by email. This service needs to be set up by the detainee first before it can be used.

Note all emails are scanned prior to being given to the person. There are strict rules on language and content. Any email deemed to not meet the criteria will not be given to the person inside.  A warning will also be provided to you that if further inappropriate content is found in emails then you will no longer be allowed to send emails.

Mailing Address

To write to someone in the AMC. Address the envelope as per below.

Prisoner’s Name
Locked Bag 7775
Canberra BC ACT 2609

All mail is scanned prior to being given to the prisoner. NO money or cheques are to be sent in as mail.

Detainees are given writing material to write to people outside of the prison, however they do need to cover the costs of postage from their trust account.


Prior to visiting you must be approved as a visitor and you will need to complete a Visitor Application Form 

Visits can be organised by calling 1300 286 583.  Press option 1 and leave a message for your booking. You will be replied back with a text message to confirm booking.

Further information on visiting including visiting day schedule is found on the AMC website.  A useful handbook as also been developed for visitors to people in AMC. This contains all information needed around visiting a person in AMC. Click here to access.

Other arrangements may be made to visit in special circumstances i.e a family member has died by emailing

On your first visit you will need to bring two forms of identification. One must be a photo identification. A list of other forms of identification you can bring is in the Visitor Handbook.  On your first visit, you will complete a visitor registration form.  You will also need register for the Iris scanning process that is used in AMC to identify visitors. This may take up to 10 minutes. Once entered into the system, your eyes will be scanned each time you visit to identify you.

When visiting, make sure you arrive at least 15 minutes before your booked visit time. The visitor centre is open 30 minutes before hand.

Visits are held in an open space with sets of chairs spread around in a big room.  There is a play area for children in one corner.   Detainees must stay seated on the designated chair.  Booth visits are held off the main visitation room.  There are limits to the number of people that can visit (3 people). See the Visitor Handbook for information about visiting with children and babies.

Please remember no cell phones / ipads / computers are allowed on prison property.  These must remain in your vehicle.

Transport to AMC

Driving: Come into AMC at the traffic lights on Monaro Highway. Parking is on the right hand side as you come through the boom gates just past the bus shelter. Once out of your car, make your way to the AMC visitor entrance by following the blue line. 

All cars including possessions and visitors entering the prison grounds for visits can be searched at any time.

Bus: ACTION Bus route 902 (AMC Shuttle) provides a regular bus service from the Woden Interchange to the AMC.  Timetables are available online.


Detainees at AMC are supplied a standard set of clothing from the prison. They are also allowed to receive a limited amount of regular clothing to wear.  If a detainee would like to have you send in regular clothes they must get a list of items of clothing they want signed off by a Corrections Officer and sent by the detainee to you before they can receive clothing from you.


Detainees are able to receive money (up to $150 per week) into their trust account to buy items such as soap, toothpaste and other canteen supplies.  Money can only be deposited online or by telephone. Click here for further details

Phone calls

Detainees can make phone calls to family and friends through the Prisoner Telephone System (PTS).  Detainees need to set up an account, and they can pay for calls from the money that is available in their trust account. Where they have no money in their account, they are not able to make any calls. Family members and friends cannot make phone calls to prisoners in AMC.  To make a call, the detainee needs to get the phone number approved first. This may take a few days.

Other items

All property a detainee wants must be requested and approved by the prison before you can send it in. The detainee must complete a form to do this.

Organisations that can support you in Canberra

Prisoners Aid ACT

Prisoners Aid is a volunteer based organisation that helps detainees and their family both while in prison to make sure they are able to access what they can, as well as supporting people being released from prison.

Shine for Kids ACT

Shine For Kids ACT helps children who have a parent in prison. They run prison visit days, child/parent activity days, supported transport and a mentoring program. Shine for Kids has an office at AMC. There business hours are 9 am – 5 pm and people can drop in or make a time to visit.

Kairos Canberra

Kairos Canberra run non-denominational events for women who have someone in prison as well as training for men and women inside. They can be emailed at

There are other Australian wide organisations that may also be able to provide support.  Click here to be taken to the Australian Support Oganisations page.

More general information is available on our What do I do now page