Loddon Prison

Loddon Prison useful information

Loddon is a government run medium security prison. Anecdotally people have found staff to be helpful when you call or visit.

As well as the information below, you can find up to date information about Loddon prison on the Corrections Victoria site here.

Contact Details


Physical address:
Matheson Street
Castlemaine VIC 3450

To locate on google maps click here

Postal address:
Private Bag 3
Castlemaine VIC 3450

Phone:  +61 3 5471 1211


You are not able to email a person located at Loddon Prison. The person inside does not have access to internet so is unable to email you or contact on social media.

Mailing Address

To write to someone in Loddon Prison, address the envelope as per below.

Prisoner’s Name
Private Bag 3
Castlemaine VIC 3450


Visit times can be accessed here.  Prisoners are in general able to have visits for a maximum of two times per week. Each visit can include up to 4 people and children.  Visits go for 2 1/2 hours.

To visit, visitors must have a visit time booked with the prison and a letter from the prison confirming this visiting time. Visitors will be asked by staff to produce their letter of approval on arrival as well as a form of identification i.e. passport, birth certificate. On arrival you will show your ID and advise who you are visiting.  You will then be given a locker to put your personal belongings in before you are processed. To make the most of your visit arrive early as sometimes there are queues which can take time to process. 

Once you have gone through the first reception area, all people visiting are scanned through metal detectors before going through to the visitor centre area.  You will need to give your name again once there and wait at the visitor centre for your person to come into the visitor centre.

There is a kiosk at the visitor centre where you can buy food. There is an area you can prepare bottles in if you have young children.  There is also a play area for children in the visiting room.

Other arrangements can be made to visit in special circumstances. Please phone the prison and request if this is required.

To find out more on how to arrange a visit, what you can and can’t bring,  what to wear, and going through security, go to the Department of Justice and Regulation You Tube Channeto watch a short video on each of these things.

Getting to Loddon

Visiting Loddon prison is approximately a 1 hour 20 drive from Melbourne.  It is a good idea to contact the prison before you leave to visit to make sure you are on the visiting list for that day.  Loddon prison does have a canteen where food can be brought.  The visit centre is also good for children.

You can take a train to the Castlemaine Railway Station (approximately 3 hours)  then take the  bus to Chewton via Loddon Prison  (no. 6 bus).  Travel on the bus is free when you show your valid V/line ticket.  You can also take a taxi.  If you want to walk it will take you about 40 minutes from the Railway Station.

People who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander may be eligible to access travel and accommodation assistance from the Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders (VACRO).  Please see further details on the VACRO site here.


Prisoners at Loddon are supplied a standard set of clothing from the prison.  These include shorts, trackpants, t-shirts, sweatshirts and jandals.  They are also allowed to receive a limited amount of regular clothing to wear if authorised by the Prison. A list of these is available here.  If a prisoner would like to have you send in regular clothes they must get a list of items of clothing they want signed off by a prison officer and sent by the prisoner to you before they can receive clothing from you.  All clothing or other authorised items can be left at the prison reception if you are an authorised visitor on that day.


You are able to send your person money via a money order, or you can take money out to the prison on your authorised visit day and deposit it at reception.   You can send a money order but it may take time for this to get to your person i.e. over a week.   There is a limit to the amount a person may receive per week.  Additional money may be approved for some circumstances i.e. long distance telephone calls to family.

Phone calls

Most people are transferred to Loddon prison from the Melbourne Assessment Prison.  When a person is transferred to Loddon, the names on their phone list will go with them to Loddon. It may take a couple of days before these are logged into the system and for the person to call you however.

There is a limit to the number of people allowed on a phone list. i.e. maximum 11 people. Each person on the list is rung to make sure that they want to be telephoned prior to the person in prison ringing them.

When the person rings, you will hear a recorded message before the person speaks.  The message tells you the call is from Loddon Prison and that it may be recorded or monitored.  It also states that is it illegal to divert or conference all. It also says if you do not wish to receive this call to hang up your phone now. 

Other items

A list of other items that will be accepted at Loddon Prison is hereThese items may be dropped off at Loddon Prison on your authorised visiting day.  Please take these to reception before you visit your person.

Organisations that can support you if a person is in Loddon Prison

Red Cross

Victim of Crimes Assistance League (VOCAL)

Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders  (VACRO) 

Salvation Army  

Prison Fellowship


Australian Community Support Organisation (ACSO) 

Prisoners Network Ministries

Prisoners Advocate Victoria

Shine for Kids  

Inside Out- LGBTIQ + Prisoner Solidarity Network

There are other Australian wide organisations that may also be able to provide support.  Click here to be taken to the Australian Support Oganisations page.

More general information is available on our What do I do now page

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