Mt Eden Correctional Facility (MECF) useful information

Mt Eden Correctional Facility (MECF) useful information

Contact Details


Physical address:
1 Lauder Rd
Mt Eden

To locate on google maps click here

Postal address:
Private Bag 92616
Symonds St
Auckland 1150

Phone:  (09) 638 2406


You are able to email a person located at Mount Eden Correctional Facility.  The email address is.

In the subject line type in the person’s full name and their Person Record Number (PRN) if you have this. same number is used each time a person goes to prison.

All emails are read prior to being given to the person.  There are strict rules on language and content i.e. no swear words, no gang related content.  Any email that does not meet the criteria will not be given to the person inside.  A warning will also be sent to you that states if they find further inappropriate content on other emails from you then you will no longer be allowed to send emails.

Please note the person inside cannot email you back.

Mailing Address

To write to someone in the Mt Eden Correctional Facility.  Address the envelope as per below.

Prisoner’s Name
Mt Eden Correction’s facility
Private Bag 92616
Symonds Street
Auckland 1150



All visitors must be approved persons before a visit can be organised. Visitor approval forms must be requested for each visitor by the person in prison themselves. Once forms are requested and approved to send out, these will be sent to the named visitors to complete. Note there are different visitor forms for children under 18.

The visiting person has to complete the form and send the form back to the prison with a copy of identification such as passport, birth certificate. The prison will review all forms and then send a letter of approval to the visitor. When this is received, the visitor is then allowed to book a visit (see below).

Visits for adult visits (up to 3 visiting adults per visit) are currently 35 minutes long. Family visits can also be requested for up to 3 adults and 5 children.

Adult visits may be on any day of the week dependant on the unit the person is in.  Family visits will only be on the weekend after 1 November 2019.

All visits are to be booked by the visitor and not the person in prison. To book a visit you will need to email  or phone 09 3540478.

Weekend visits must be booked by 3:30 pm the Thursday before the visits. Visits for Monday must be booked by 3:30 pm on Friday.

All other visits must be booked at least 48 hours before the visit.

Visitors must have a visit time booked with the prison and a letter from the prison confirming this time. Visitors will be asked by staff to produce their letter of approval on arrival as well as a form of identification i.e. passport, birth certificate.

Other arrangements can be made to visit in special circumstances i.e. if you are travelling in from overseas. Please phone the prison and request to speak to the Visits Manager if this is required.

When visiting you need to be at MECF approximately 45 minutes early to make sure you can get a visit. You will not be allowed a visit if you arrive too late to complete screening.

On arrival you check in at the reception counter and will be given a key to lock your personal belongings in a small locker. The locker is big so leave handbag etc in the car.

When coming to a visit make sure you have eaten, had a drink before going to MECF as there are no facilities to get food or drink at the centre.

Note: All cars including possessions and visitors entering the prison grounds for visits can be searched at any time.


All clothing sent in to MECF for a person must be accompanied by a Property Form that is signed off by a Prison manager or PCO.  A list of clothing that can be provided for the person inside can be obtained from the front desk at the Mt Eden Correctional facility.

Clothing rules

  • All clothing must be plain with no prints and logos.
  • Acceptable colours are grey, white or green.
  • Clothes that have even a little red, yellow or blue will not be allowed.
  • No long sleeve T-shirts
  • No thermo Tops
  • No  pants/trousers

Clothing limits

  • 5 x pair of underwear – black/grey/white only
  • 5 x pair of socks – black/grey/white only
  • 5 x singlets – grey/white/green only.   NO BLACK
  • 5 x T-Shirts – grey/ white/green only. NO BLACK
  • 2  Shorts – grey/white/green only. NO BLACK
  • 2 x pair of footwear.  Black/grey/white only
  • 1 x pair of shoes for court

The receiving office is open Monday to Friday 8:30 am – 5 pm.  Clothing cannot be dropped off on the weekend.

If you do not live in Auckland or are unable to drop items into the receiving office, you can courier or post the items to MECF.


Prisoners are able to receive money into their trust account to buy items such as soap, toothpaste and other canteen supplies. The Trust account is limited to $200 and prisoners are only allowed to spend $70 per week on supplies.

Money can be dropped off (cash, cheque) at reception desk when you sign in for a visit. You can also send a cheque made out to the prisoner or prison or deposit money to the prison trust account by electronic transfer online.

Electronic Transfer 

The trust bank account details are:  03-0283-0100473-00

You will need to type in the prisoners PRN and name into the reference section.

Money needs to be deposited by Wednesday for the following week’s canteen.

Phone calls

The person in prison can request approval for a set number of phone numbers that they can ring. This may take several weeks to set up.

The person inside must use money in their trust account (see Money section above) to buy phone cards to ring people. Phone cards are not able to be sent or delivered to people in Mt Eden Correction Facility. 

Another option is to set up an 0800 number that the person in prison can call with no charge to them as it will be charged to you. There are several providers in NZ to choose from when you search online. This option can also be used for family who live overseas. 0800 numbers will however require a higher level of authorisation from the prison.

Note that it can be difficult for the person to set up regular times they can phone you. Lock up hours may change due to various reasons. There may also be a queue for the phone.

Other Items

People held in MECF may also be allowed to have other items.  These have to be requested by the prisoner on a Property Form signed off by a prison manager or PCO.  Items may include:

  • a radio/CD or tape player
  •  flask
  • a fan
  • a limited number of books and magazines
  • religious material

Corrections encourages people to study as this reduces the likelihood of someone coming back to prison.  Before study can commence the prisoner needs to fill out a property form and have the study material approved before it can be sent to or delivered to MECF.

Organisations that can support you in Auckland

PARS Incorporated   Support and practical assistance to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their whanau in Auckland


There are other New Zealand wide organisations that may also be able to provide support.  Click here to be taken to the New Zealand Support Oganisations page.

Life Inside

A glimpse of life inside – Mt Eden Correction Facility

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